Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Had to make a small change to the placement of the bottom body text so that it would be legible. Printing in the morning but suggestions are welcome :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Film Poster

I tried to take the simplicity of Jessica's design and some layout aspects of Jennifer's poster but had to add more layers to try and meet the 12. Amanda, how many layers do you see? Any input is much appreciated :)

I like JBlock's start with a solid color background with black vector imagery. I attached my in-progress poster. Feedback is welcomed! :D Also, how many layers do you count here Amanda? :D Thank you.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I have some imagery for my poster. I'm trying to give it the grungy effect we talked about but I am having trouble doing it. What did you do to give it that effect??  Just asking that way we will all be uniform.  

Also, since I am doing the Musical genre, I decided to "feature" a musical I recently saw. (I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change) Does it really matter what we "feature" or can we just make it up?  

Also,  in the supporting text, do we need to include a partial schedule of what else is being shown at this Film Festival? If so, do we include factual information?

As I started working, I started coming up with all these questions. Let me know, thanks guys!!